Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Had enuff yet??......

I dont know about yall, but, I have had my bate of it!!!!!!!

Da Prez slapping US in the face again...
First his Homeland Security Chief saying,
All is well.!! The system worked...........BS

Then HIM saying the public is overreacting, see the video on this link-

Also read Mr. Krauthammer's comments, I like the first lines...(same link^)
KRAUTHAMMER:" Flaccid words, meaningless words. He talks about aspirations. He talks about rights. He talks about justice in the statement he made.
This isn't about justice. It isn't about a low minimum wage. This isn't about an absence of a public option in health care. This is about freedom. This is a revolution in the streets. Revolutions happen quickly."

UNLESS, I DESERVE a slap, I git riled.....
WE need to show da gubber-mint how riled WE are!!!!!
Throw em out and repeal anything they have screwed up, thats a lot!!!!!!!!
Do it right, not sideways or backwards..
Or , let someone that can. Cause it aint that bunch in DC..

......... whadda ya think??

Saturday, December 26, 2009


If I disagree with the White House, I am a racist.....hmmm.....BS !!!!!!!
That dum huzzy has the sense of a rock....

I have, dis-agreed with just about all the Presidents that I have known of, or voted for or against.

--------------- I will not drink the "KOOL-AID" !!!---------------------

I pity a society that does not have the privilege, ability or the freedom to do otherwise.
I guess we are starting to experience what it is like to live under socialism, Marxism and fascist regimes......
After all, our elected officials are doing what they want despite of their constituents and the voters say.....

yall check dis out an see ifin it aint true!!!-

thank goodness fer speel-chek...spell-chuker,....uh....never mind...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!.......

.....or in the words of The United States Senate- screw you !!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep thru a mess of under the table, back-door, thug tactics the Senate has passed that Health Care tax, yes TAX.

In total disregard for the citizenry of these heer United States they passed it.

I hope that every one of them that voted YEA gitz throwed out !!!!!!!!!!
How disrespectful, to go against the public. NOT doing what the People of these Great Lands want done.

I love my breathers and sisters in Nebraska, but, should I have to pay their fair share??????
HELL NO!!! Nor should they have to pay mine!!

When they want to pass a bill they should do so ONLY for the matter at hand. NOT add a mess of other junk that has nothing to do with the matter.

VOTE BUYING is at the least a FELONY. ALL those that have participated in it should be arrested and their rights stripped and possibly deported!! That way they can have what they want to impose here from other countries. It AINT for US!!!

Buncha Idgitz.....all those 60 votes should be on the list of people that are treasonous.
And then there is the House and "Da Prez", anudder buncha idgitz...

God Bless the US and the World,
may our leaders use common sense and not
bank accounts for their conscience.

Yall have a MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!!, an a Gud-un..

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I got a problem wit it...

People that say doing something, even if it's wrong, is better than doing nothing at all.
How durn wrong can ya be?????????
Take for instance the goingz on in DC. Buncha Idgitz......

Do something, BUT DO IT RIGHT!!!!!!!

If ya can't.....well......then yore the problem.

All The DEM and REPUB hissy fits..........they need their buttz whooped!!

Yall ARE Americans FIRST. Then on down the list, yore political party.

Can I say that the "Prez" has lied???
I'm perty sure I can. NO transparency and the like.
Apologizing to other countries....p_ss_..!!
Giving money to other countries??? Well obama...that better come from your pocket,
I did not approve it !!!
When chavez came an gave him that book....he shuda punched him in the snot-box!!!!!!!!
Hez a p_ssy!!!!!

Stay off the plane, stay off TV, sit yore bony butt down and fix what needz fixin!!!!
If all ya can do is run US in the ground and give away our country........well that
borders on treason to me. YOU have forsaken the Oath you have taken!!!!!!
If you want to write checks to those who will take the money an use it to plot against US..............

Treating those terrorist, yes TERRORIST like they have just as many rights as the citizens here in the US..........you aint worth spit.
Put a bullet in their head, bury them all in a hole, be done with it.
Anything other than putting them in a 6'x8' room for the rest of their life, IS Treason!!

Don't care what ya think otherwise that's Justice.

Monday, December 21, 2009

HEY!!!!, OBAMA!!!!! & ya other idgitz....

Heerz a couple of articles at Brown Field yall need to look over-



I couldn't have sed it better-er.....
Thank You Mr. Steve and Mz Cyndi.

MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!! if that offends ya....well....get a life.
Happy Hanuka
Peace be unto You and yours.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

HEY...DC !!!!! & other po-le-tish-unz..........

I don't reckon our and your forefathers gave you permission to sell-out, give away or run our country into the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't remember seeing that in the Constitution........

Yall dont want to be remembered as those that started another Civil War........
Or get run out of the country tarred-n-feathered in disgrace.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Oath of Office...

""I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God." "

This is The Oath that ALL Senators, House of Representatives and many Federal Employee's take. The President's is in The Constitution-
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States ."

With all that is going on in DC, it makes you wonder if they have forsaken their Oath.
All their election and re-election campaigns and commercials say that we can TRUST them......hmmm. I often wonder.....??

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

HEY DC !!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>...........

Sometimes I wonder if that bunch in DC just don't realize what's going on in America, or they just DON'T CARE???????
Are they surrounded by a giant bubble that won't let common sense get thru?????
Were they not elected to Protect this Nation and it's citizens?????????
Why wont they hear those that have elected them??????????????
WHAT arrogance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah some of them won't be there this time next year.......but will the damage already be done???????????????????
I believe they should be held liable for any and ALL legislation they pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If they want to pass a Health Care Bill.......well.........they SHOULD BE subject to the same.
ALL gubbermint employees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From "Da Prez" and down to the postman...OH....that aint PC....

TOUGH NOOGEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get a life.

Buncha Idgitz.....................!

Friday, December 11, 2009

IT's OUR money!!!!...

Hey Harry, Nancy, Barney, Chris and the rest of ya!!!!
Yall need to remember that all this money ya want to spend DOES NOT belong to you.
If you want to pass a Health Care Bill...well....yall need to be the first to sign up.

Lead by example.........................

Give up your Cadillac plans, paid by for US and git in line like the rest of US.........

Lead by example............or git the Hell out !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shun yore cushy pensions and the like......LEAD by example.!!

Dont tell US what's best for US when you don't know yoresef........

You want to blow somebody else's money.......git it from yore relatives........!!

If you are not willing to git rite in the middle of something that you want to put on the rest of US
....well.....you aint worth.........spit.

If it's good enough for us..then.Lead by example!!!!!!!!!

QUIT offering concessions in order to git the votes. Yall number around a few hundred,WE on
the other hand a few Million. And people wonder why poli-tihs-unz retire somewhere
other than the state they represent??

..................LEAD by EXAMPLE...................or are ya chikin????

Friday, December 4, 2009

Anudder yar...

Welp anudder yar has come an gone.
If you pay a little attention you can learn sumtin new every day.
Like politikz. Every day I learn how USELESS most of the people in DC are!!

Az I have stated earlier, I have not, repeat, have not, voted a straight ticket since I registered to vote!! Don't intend on it either. Now primaries don't count.
I vote the person and their stand first. NOT the party. Heck I voted for a guy who was running as a communist once. Why?? He was the lesser of 2 evils, not many choices that year. But, he was honest in what he said and more importantly did.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
There won't be a third.

Vote on what is best for you, your family, your neighbors and your country.
Simple aint it??

Yall have a Gud-un, Ol James.

p.s. OH Yeah!! obama aint got a clue does he?? Guess not, when you surround yourself with brown-nosers and idgitz.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

CHECK out this...

Ifin yall git a chance, be shur to chek out Mr Alan's Blog-

He tells it straight up!! No mincing of words, just the facts and Truth.
It's so refreshing to find such a gem......Unabashed & Unafraid!!!

Bravo Mr. Alan,

If yore reading this...heerz a standing ovation, even if it's just me.

)(, )(, )(, )(, )(.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Poli-tikz... Well Ol Ditzy Harry got his way..idgit.
The Senate proceeded to allow Debate on the Health Care Bill.....here's how they voted-



Even a dum-ol-kuntree-boy like me can find out what's goin on.

If your Senator voted Yea..shame on your state.

Think about it this way...has the gubber-mint taken control of anything that didn't increase their size and actually benefited the public, without delving more into an individuals Freedom and Liberties??
As far as I can figure...we elected Senators and Represenatives to DC..didn't we??
Not a certain party. If they don't have OUR best interest at heart ten they need to be fired!!
Since I have been voting I have Not voted a straight party ticket..don't know if I will.
Voting the party has got us in this mess. Vote the Person, not the party.

Contact Your Legislators and tell them how you feel. I do and get actual responses thru Email and Letters.

Have a Gud-Un, Ol James.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sale!! Sale!!!...

Is it just me...or does it seem that obama and his bunch are trying to sell out or outrigt, America??
He keeps taking these golf/vacation/good will flights. Mostly to countries to say which part do you want.....hmmmm

What's even worse..his AG wants to try the terrorist in civil court.
Maybe they will attempt an escape...bang, bang!!

More I think of it the higher my BP goes..........buncha idgitz!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Punks, Thugs, Politics & Football....

I wonder when we are going to "have our bate" of the going onz in poli-tikz an football...
Not related you say??? Well...wake up...or at least geta job & life.

Poli-tish-unz on all levels are holding us up. Just like a common robber.
Ditzy Harry and Nose-Job Nancy are spending money that isnt theirs like some white-trash, backwoodz winning the lottery and going to Walz-Martz.
Hell what do they care..it aint their money, they aint gotta pay it back. Punkz an thugs.....

I used to like watch football. High school, college, Pro, even Canadian and independent leagues.
Then these "bad-boy" punks and thugs started making the scene, and the headlines. I dont watch pro anymore. aint been to a HS game in years. college is getting bad. You have these pro-wannabes taking cheap shots, beating their chest when they make a tackle or score like it was all them...hmmm. There are 10 other players on that field with them. Not 11:1, but 11:11.
Seems like there aint any sport left in the game......just filling up with punkz an thugz...like poli-tikz.....

Politikz an Football....bout the same game jes different rules.

Hey obama...when are ya gonna git out of campaign mode and blaming everybody an start being President??????
Community Organizer fits the bill....ya dont wanna do nuttin...jes git somebody else to do the work an take the credit...
GIT yore boney butt off the plane, quit travelin an git to work!!!!!! If ya cant do the job...let somebody in there that wants to keep America the Greatest Country in the world!!!
If you want what they have in europe...then move there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Punks, Thugs, Politics & Football....

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Well...I don't know what to say....Congress, specifically pouty-pelosi and her bunch have told us they know more about what we should have, rather than what we need!!!!!!!!
The way her and ditzy harry are spending money you would think they have hit the lottery.....
hmmm...........maybe thats how they see the election last year?
What do they care they dont have to pay for it, OR participate in it!!!!!!!!!
They should lead by example..nuff said

Maybe the Good folks of the districts that these nutz are from will send them a message
when re-election time comes...NO CONFIDENCE!!!!!!!!

Get em out and repeal this mess.................

I am flat proud of our elected officials in DC. They HEARD what we had to say and voted that way!!!!

To bad Puffy-lipz, Ditzy and their horde didnt....but in a little bit they will........!

But like the movie says..."stupid is, as stupid does."

I hope they read this and call me......they wont like it then either.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Blog...

Hey yall, If you somehow wondered heer from anudder site.......well...................
Ya probaly got lost!! If yore heer to git a sense of how I think.......well..........
I aint hard to figure out, as ya can tell from my post.

Yall should check Out Mz Kelli's blog>>> over thur in my Blog List>>>>>
That WOAMN, with ALL DUE RESPECT, moved to "The Great White North".
I have heerd stories about it, but now we can git a first hand account!!!!
Yall be shur to chek it out!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who said the Pioneering Spirit iz gone!!,
sum idgit....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

why??..why not..

Well I guess "Da Prez" and others don't want to be left out. They raised a shure nuff big ruckus about Iraq & Afghanistan. I guess they want to invade Iran?? That sounded like what he was saying.. I guess this will have their stamp of approval on it, huh??

What a bunch of twits.

But since they did away with the G-8 and made the G-20 the high source its alright.
Here are some interesting thoughts-
“I realize we are in a global economy, and food and feed no longer play in just a domestic market, but I really am concerned that our lawmakers have no clue as what is taking place with food production in this country.”

"The message is simple: First, look inward. If you’re happy and satisfied with what you see, if you’ve taken steps to care and foster your own, only then look outward."

Most times, the answer is right in front of you...
Check out some of the AG related websites, you'll find a mess of useful information. Some VERY GOOD perspectives about issues in the news. Here's a few-


...just to name a few...

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Well..the wife and me have been together 27 years. Not to long compared to some, but a good spell compared to most nowadays. Married life aint hard, swallowing your pride from time to time is. To make it work ya gotta compromise. Give and take, that's it. And fightin is a given, just don't go to bed mad. Have a Gud-un now..

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Took me long enuff...

I figured out why the president, and congress are passing such large spending bills!!!! They wan their contribuitors to their campaigns to get cushy contracts so they can get their kickbacks and they can retire with little to no worry!!

I would be very skeptical of ANYTHING "Right-Now-Nancy" and "Hurry-Up-Reid"are in favor of. Makes me sad just bout every day thinking my gran-yungunz gran-yungunz will still be paying for this junk.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

..been thinkin...

..I been thinkin a bit on different things....the economy, congress, possible legislation and those who create it. I have to wonder if there is there a bit of common sense in DC??
Take the Climate bill that the House passed. Like the Stimulus and budget bills that were just slung thru there. No real time to read or understand them. They got a speed-reader to read one of them just for spite.....hmm....not funny.
If that's the beat that pelosi and her cohorts can do...well......it's time for a change.
That bunch of idgitz has run this country into the ground, economically, physically and otherwise.
WE need people in DC who take this stuff seriously. Not a bunch of self-centered, publicity seeking whores, yes publicity WHORES, who change their minds and morals because of what may be popular at the time. Take pelosi. the only time she can be at the gavel is when there are a mess of photographers present. She AINT gonna do nuttin without gettin her butt ugly mug on the front page. The same goes for her other peons.
The only agenda they have is what the popular upper crust want. They care about the public as much as a case of the crabs. All they want is the rich popular cases, not what is right for America. Very counterproductive.

There should NOT be any democrats, republicans, independents or any other political party in DC. Also there should not be any white, black, red, yellow, green purple or any color, Only Americans.
Seeking what is good for the country, not the popular or political or especially the foreign. Anything short of that and the job is not getting done.

Mayhaps if they could be held financially responsible for 20 or so years, kinda like a guarantee, things might get done...................hmm.....

Whadda Ya think??................

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Carbon Credits, cap-&-trade, GHG, global warming as a whole.

I am NOT a fan of the aforementioned. I do believe we affect our environment in some way or fashion. We ALL should leave the place better than we found it. Don't make a mess, if you do clean it up.

Congress has decided that we need to pay for our ability to drive, turn on the lights, mow the grass and other routine chores and the like. Wonder why we pay taxes?? Now we gotta pay a usage tax..?!?!
here's the zinger...We get to pay some corporation or company for this "taxable privilege"...??!
The company then pays a Farmer a fee or as they put it "carbon offsets".
Which means that the Farmer is planting a crop that produces oxygen. This O2 (oxygen) is figured by in tons, tonnes or some other equivalent. The amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide) is figured in a similar manner and equal amount. The amount of O2 needed to offset the CO2 is figured and then a price per unit is set.
Example- You buy a new car. You pay the price which has shipping and handling and other expenses figured into the sticker price. As the paperwork is figured you pay federal, state, county, local and other taxes for the purchase, which may seem like a third of the total price. Now you have to figure what the "footprint" given off by the engine, the gasses produced by the materials decomposing and other things are. This figure is then equal to a certain amount of CO2. Now you have to purchase "credits" in order to offset" your usage of this vehicle. Even with the newer Hybrid and electric vehicles there is going to be the "credits" to be determined.
You find a company that can sell you the "credits". They have some Farmers in the upper mid=West that have a expansive amount of credits for sale. They charge you say $20.00 per "credit. You need to purchase 40-60 "credits per year to keep your conscience clear.
Other than fuel, mateience, insurance and other things now you have an added expense. What the "company doesn't tell you is that $2.00 of every bought "credit" goes to these Farmers. The "company has a gross profit of $18.00. Middleman.
The governments will get a cut of course........hmm.............

If you want ma to put faith and believe in such a system.....well.....do this one thing and I will concede the point...............................

Catch a fart and paint it green in front of me.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

pelosi has got to go...

Yall are all familiar with Mz. pelosi's perdictment.
People are saying we need to send a message to Congress. Well I disagree.
Congress NEEDS to send a message to the people who elected them !!!
Fire her azz and others like her who are running this Country in the ground and in debt!!!
They, (Congress), wants a better approval rating.........Do THE RIGHT THING.....!!!!!!
But, most of all,....get her publicity seeking-lying-wrinkled-useless butt outta there.
Nuff said...fer now.

Monday, May 18, 2009

pelosi needs to go...

Remember the saying.."If you tell the truth you don't have to repeat yourself"???
Well maybe mz. pelosi the Speaker of the House should heed this advice. She, Joe O'Biden, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and "Thu Prez" should keep quiet. Mz pelosi stated that the CIA lied or mislead The Congress. She is NOT the Congress. She is part of it, not it in entirety. Bad thing about it is she can't seem to remember what she said. At the press conference she couldn't remember what she said just a few minutes before. If this is the way she wants to do her job......well.......she needs to go.

Joe, Barney, Harry and the rest of them need to go also. Putting our grand children's grandchildren in debt is NO solution to the current economic debacle. Don't bail em out...let em fail and get bought out by another company.

I don't like to call people fools....but in this case they are perty close.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Since obama took office, it's been a hurry-scurry world in DC. Every little thing seems to be either life or death.
The Budget- We all need to pass this in order to put our grandchildren's grandchildren in debt or else!!! Well they passed it. One statistic I heard from an economist was that a person graduating today from college would not be able to put anything into a retirement fund. Because they will owe it to the gubb-mint.

H1N1, flu- It started in Mexico. Another Montezuma revenge. A few3 thousand folks, worldwide I might add have it. Every year there are about 36,000 that die from the regular flu yearly. This from the secretary or director or czar of Homeland Security, and repeated by the World Health Org. They made it into a pandemic. Thats worse than an epidemic I was always told. hmm.............a couple of thousand verses tens of thousands.............hmm.......................
..........2 vs 36............hmmm.............buncha idgitz!!!

Water boarding- Give em a drink I say!!!

You cant turn on the TV, radio, Internet or read a newspaper, (of which are disappearing almost daily), magazine without some crisis going on in DC. Mostly originating from the White House.
O-Joe Biden wanted a World Crisis, even if they have to make it up.......id-git.
They are acting like they want to be "The Saviour's of the Century".....id-gitz.

Cure Cancer, World Health, Hunger, Peace and the like. But I guess Merle Haggard's song sums it up-
..."we'll all be drinking that free bubble-ubb
and eating that Rainbow Stew." or their BS!!!!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yes WE...

When Obama was running for the Senate and President all we heard was this-

Elect me I can make the difference..

When I get into that officf with your help, things will change...

Now that he is in it's different.-

This was left over and can not be dealt with now.etc., etc.,

We as a people need to rally togeather to fix this.

Before the election it was III,me me me.

NOW it's we and you all.

hmmmm..............put up or shut up and let somebody in there who csn do the job. You want to save money...give up the pension and benefits. Yore young enuff to support you and the family.

Whadda Ya Think??...............

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hey Luke...

I don't agree with you bout the slightly personal aspects and such. I believe that your profession, education, age and geographical information have a GREAT deal to do with your view of subject matter.
Me, I'm as simple as dirt, nothing fancy. I am impressed with your use of words that I ritely cant pronounce, much less have a clue as to their meaning.
I'm guessing you have had the advantage of some good education, or at least a good dictionary and thesaurus.
Your views on the matter tend to make me think that the "main-stream" media is a valued source of information. Sadly, to find the truth you have to dig for it.
I have nothing but the Highest regard for those in Agriculture production. Whether they are mom & pop operations, or companies farming thousands of acres of any one particular crop or fiber or livestock.
My papaw told me to not be ashamed of what you do in life, nor be afraid to tell people what you make. If you are ashamed of it then it's a sore that won't heal.

Now I will grant you there ARE those who will beguile the public in their production. I also don't agree with a few of the practises out there. I believe that if the Good Lord made you with it then it belongs there.
I also agree with and am PROUD of our Military. If weatherboarding a terrorist will have the possibility of saving the lives and property of our breathern....well...give em a drink..
I am a GREAT supporter of this Nation, Military, Religion, Family and other rights that humans deserve. HOWEVER, if in the name of your religion, or lifestyle you deem it necessary to take lives or do harm.....don't let me catch you out of your bunker....nuff said.

The humane society, peta and other groups like the rainbow coalition, acorn, sclu and others are worthless to me. No I don't capitalize them...my choice to not recognize terrorist. YES terrorist. These groups main adjective is to have their own particular philosophy forced upon others. They have teams of people that do nothing more than scan the media, Internet and other outlets for possible litigation in which they can win. Have you ever seen them take up a cause they could not possibly win?? Rarely. I do support human liberty and the rights of others, but don't try to force it upon me....I push back. The biggest portion of their budgets are derived from lawsuits and contributors that have seen only one side of a matter. A coin has 2 sides right??, not three or four like they project. Yes they put on a grand show, but it's mostly smoke and mirrors. They have the noblest of intentions, good intentions are like having two butt holes. Should and animal have more rights than me?? Don't think God had that in mind when he put us over them. Yes we should treat them as humanely as possible, but not as humans.

Yes production Agriculture is in it for the money......duh!! However you don't see them taking the government to court over every little thing that makes some wimpy-urban dwelling- SUV driving-treehuggin-bunny lovin-radical-ignorant to say the least cause the dust got their designer clothes dirty-pencil necked nut.
NO SIR, they just want to make a living doing what their family has been doing, in some cases since this Nation was founded. They DON'T need a suit and tie to tell them how to do their job!! I believe if someone you never heard of and not familiar with your chosen vocation came in and told you how to do your job....you would be pissed to say the least.
Hence the dilemma of America's Farmers and producers.

No Mr. Luke I don't know you. We may not have a chance to meet. We may not share the same view on policy matters and such............but, I do know your type.

as always these are MY personal opinions, thoughts and beliefs. I blame NO one for their conclusions. Just remember this.........
I thought I was wrong once. Turns out I was just mistaken.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Office of The President...

I been cipherin a bit about some of the post I made in the past. I've deleted the majority of them because of this.
I made some perty bold statements about the current President. Let me explain-

It is not the fault of The Office of the President that:
We are currently hamstrung by a budget that our grandkids cannot pay for...
Health Care that stinks & is inadequate....
Foreign Relations that have the U.S. looking like a bunch of apologetic wimps...
Nominated Cabinet members who think they are above the law and taxes...
Politicians that have no concern for the folks they represent....
Crooks running the Government handing out signed checks to corporations that can't manage their finances...
Inspiring the next generation to be a bunch of crooks...
Un- honest, unethical and morally unwise...
Allowing the bureaucratic machine that is "Big Brother" to expand....
Just basically making things worse.

Nope I don't blame the Office of the President......
I blame the Frank financed- Dodd did-Pelosi puppet-Reid run- can't speak without a teleprompter-totally inexperienced-got a paycheck for the rest of his life-selling America down the road-nut job and them that elected him to the office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nope you can't blame the Office...just the man.

Friday, April 10, 2009

What's wrong with this picture...

The Prez. Mr. "O" has surrounded himself with.....well......idiots.
It's like the only thing that matters in D.C. is what is beneficial to them. Special interest such as lobbyist for certain minority groups want the rest of America to adhere to their guidelines.
The USDA is getting flack from animal rights groups.
The EPA wants to tax farmers for the farts that their livestock emit. Not to mention the gas that may be released into the atmosphere from holding ponds. Also dust that livestock and machinery may stir up!! Buncha id-gitz!!!

Now a scientific advisor wants to propel pollution particles into the atmosphere to blanket the planet to keep the sun from melting Ar tic Ice caps......hmm....??? He may be a certified genius but he's an idiot. The particles will erode the Ozone layer thus melting the planet!!!! Not to mention the planet will look like Los Angeles did in the 60's-70's. Remember the brown air they had...full of sulphur??? Buncha Id-gitz!!!!!

If the Prez keeps surrounding himself with this kind of idiotic rhetoric can we expect any less from possible agendas, acts bills and laws??? God have mercy on US!!!!
The man can't even talk without a teleprompter!!! Somebody has got to be pulling the strings!??! But WHO??? Buncha Id-Gitz.....that's who.

America needs to wake up!! We can't afford to spend money that unborn generations that have not been born yet can repay.
All the Senators and Representative that voted for this Economic Stimulus Budget should be replaced!!! Not by someone of the opposing party, but rather by someone that has a the least a bit of common sense!!!

Then there's the matter of those who want to do us harm!! NO don't put them in a cell. But, rather bring them to our shores and give them the same rights and privilege's that we have...BS!!!!!! The best way to handle them is with swift justice!!!! Like the Marine saying goes-
"Kill em all, let God sort em out!"
I have no respect for anyone that tries to do my family, friends or countrymen harm. Nor do I have any respect for those who will facilitate their their ability to further their purpose. "O" made my list before he got swore in. They ARE Terririst, plain and simple. Not misunderstood. I don't git around like I used to, but try to harm my family and you'll think 10 men jumped you.

Generations before us sacrificed a lot to give us what we have today. We SHOULD NOT let those who are supposed to be our leaders give it to those who want to do us harm or cause us distress.

WAKE UP Yall!!!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

peta sux...

peta, them idgitz suk....nuff sed.