Sunday, November 8, 2009


Well...I don't know what to say....Congress, specifically pouty-pelosi and her bunch have told us they know more about what we should have, rather than what we need!!!!!!!!
The way her and ditzy harry are spending money you would think they have hit the lottery.....
hmmm...........maybe thats how they see the election last year?
What do they care they dont have to pay for it, OR participate in it!!!!!!!!!
They should lead by example..nuff said

Maybe the Good folks of the districts that these nutz are from will send them a message
when re-election time comes...NO CONFIDENCE!!!!!!!!

Get em out and repeal this mess.................

I am flat proud of our elected officials in DC. They HEARD what we had to say and voted that way!!!!

To bad Puffy-lipz, Ditzy and their horde didnt....but in a little bit they will........!

But like the movie says..."stupid is, as stupid does."

I hope they read this and call me......they wont like it then either.

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