Tuesday, December 1, 2009

CHECK out this...

Ifin yall git a chance, be shur to chek out Mr Alan's Blog-

He tells it straight up!! No mincing of words, just the facts and Truth.
It's so refreshing to find such a gem......Unabashed & Unafraid!!!

Bravo Mr. Alan,

If yore reading this...heerz a standing ovation, even if it's just me.

)(, )(, )(, )(, )(.


Alan Caruba said...

Born and bred a Yankee from NJ, but I did spend two years in Georgia and over four in Florida, so I am quite fond of the South.

Alan Caruba

Ol James said...

..well we might have to talk about the Florida stint.. But, I'll make ya a Suthurn-Brudder. But only if you tried gritz.