Friday, December 11, 2009

IT's OUR money!!!!...

Hey Harry, Nancy, Barney, Chris and the rest of ya!!!!
Yall need to remember that all this money ya want to spend DOES NOT belong to you.
If you want to pass a Health Care Bill...well....yall need to be the first to sign up.

Lead by example.........................

Give up your Cadillac plans, paid by for US and git in line like the rest of US.........

Lead by example............or git the Hell out !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shun yore cushy pensions and the like......LEAD by example.!!

Dont tell US what's best for US when you don't know yoresef........

You want to blow somebody else's money.......git it from yore relatives........!!

If you are not willing to git rite in the middle of something that you want to put on the rest of US aint worth.........spit.

If it's good enough for us..then.Lead by example!!!!!!!!!

QUIT offering concessions in order to git the votes. Yall number around a few hundred,WE on
the other hand a few Million. And people wonder why poli-tihs-unz retire somewhere
other than the state they represent??

..................LEAD by EXAMPLE...................or are ya chikin????

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