People that say doing something, even if it's wrong, is better than doing nothing at all.
How durn wrong can ya be?????????
Take for instance the goingz on in DC. Buncha Idgitz......
Do something, BUT DO IT RIGHT!!!!!!!
If ya can't.....well......then yore the problem.
All The DEM and REPUB hissy fits..........they need their buttz whooped!!
Yall ARE Americans FIRST. Then on down the list, yore political party.
Can I say that the "Prez" has lied???
I'm perty sure I can. NO transparency and the like.
Apologizing to other countries....p_ss_..!!
Giving money to other countries??? Well obama...that better come from your pocket,
I did not approve it !!!
When chavez came an gave him that book....he shuda punched him in the snot-box!!!!!!!!
Hez a p_ssy!!!!!
Stay off the plane, stay off TV, sit yore bony butt down and fix what needz fixin!!!!
If all ya can do is run US in the ground and give away our country........well that
borders on treason to me. YOU have forsaken the Oath you have taken!!!!!!
If you want to write checks to those who will take the money an use it to plot against US..............
Treating those terrorist, yes TERRORIST like they have just as many rights as the citizens here in the aint worth spit.
Put a bullet in their head, bury them all in a hole, be done with it.
Anything other than putting them in a 6'x8' room for the rest of their life, IS Treason!!
Don't care what ya think otherwise that's Justice.
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