Wednesday, December 16, 2009

HEY DC !!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>...........

Sometimes I wonder if that bunch in DC just don't realize what's going on in America, or they just DON'T CARE???????
Are they surrounded by a giant bubble that won't let common sense get thru?????
Were they not elected to Protect this Nation and it's citizens?????????
Why wont they hear those that have elected them??????????????
WHAT arrogance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah some of them won't be there this time next year.......but will the damage already be done???????????????????
I believe they should be held liable for any and ALL legislation they pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If they want to pass a Health Care Bill.......well.........they SHOULD BE subject to the same.
ALL gubbermint employees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From "Da Prez" and down to the postman...OH....that aint PC....

TOUGH NOOGEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get a life.

Buncha Idgitz.....................!

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