Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Had enuff yet??......

I dont know about yall, but, I have had my bate of it!!!!!!!

Da Prez slapping US in the face again...
First his Homeland Security Chief saying,
All is well.!! The system worked...........BS

Then HIM saying the public is overreacting, see the video on this link-

Also read Mr. Krauthammer's comments, I like the first lines...(same link^)
KRAUTHAMMER:" Flaccid words, meaningless words. He talks about aspirations. He talks about rights. He talks about justice in the statement he made.
This isn't about justice. It isn't about a low minimum wage. This isn't about an absence of a public option in health care. This is about freedom. This is a revolution in the streets. Revolutions happen quickly."

UNLESS, I DESERVE a slap, I git riled.....
WE need to show da gubber-mint how riled WE are!!!!!
Throw em out and repeal anything they have screwed up, thats a lot!!!!!!!!
Do it right, not sideways or backwards..
Or , let someone that can. Cause it aint that bunch in DC..

......... whadda ya think??

Saturday, December 26, 2009


If I disagree with the White House, I am a racist.....hmmm.....BS !!!!!!!
That dum huzzy has the sense of a rock....

I have, dis-agreed with just about all the Presidents that I have known of, or voted for or against.

--------------- I will not drink the "KOOL-AID" !!!---------------------

I pity a society that does not have the privilege, ability or the freedom to do otherwise.
I guess we are starting to experience what it is like to live under socialism, Marxism and fascist regimes......
After all, our elected officials are doing what they want despite of their constituents and the voters say.....

yall check dis out an see ifin it aint true!!!-

thank goodness fer speel-chek...spell-chuker,....uh....never mind...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!.......

.....or in the words of The United States Senate- screw you !!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep thru a mess of under the table, back-door, thug tactics the Senate has passed that Health Care tax, yes TAX.

In total disregard for the citizenry of these heer United States they passed it.

I hope that every one of them that voted YEA gitz throwed out !!!!!!!!!!
How disrespectful, to go against the public. NOT doing what the People of these Great Lands want done.

I love my breathers and sisters in Nebraska, but, should I have to pay their fair share??????
HELL NO!!! Nor should they have to pay mine!!

When they want to pass a bill they should do so ONLY for the matter at hand. NOT add a mess of other junk that has nothing to do with the matter.

VOTE BUYING is at the least a FELONY. ALL those that have participated in it should be arrested and their rights stripped and possibly deported!! That way they can have what they want to impose here from other countries. It AINT for US!!!

Buncha Idgitz.....all those 60 votes should be on the list of people that are treasonous.
And then there is the House and "Da Prez", anudder buncha idgitz...

God Bless the US and the World,
may our leaders use common sense and not
bank accounts for their conscience.

Yall have a MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!!, an a Gud-un..

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I got a problem wit it...

People that say doing something, even if it's wrong, is better than doing nothing at all.
How durn wrong can ya be?????????
Take for instance the goingz on in DC. Buncha Idgitz......

Do something, BUT DO IT RIGHT!!!!!!!

If ya can't.....well......then yore the problem.

All The DEM and REPUB hissy fits..........they need their buttz whooped!!

Yall ARE Americans FIRST. Then on down the list, yore political party.

Can I say that the "Prez" has lied???
I'm perty sure I can. NO transparency and the like.
Apologizing to other countries....p_ss_..!!
Giving money to other countries??? Well obama...that better come from your pocket,
I did not approve it !!!
When chavez came an gave him that book....he shuda punched him in the snot-box!!!!!!!!
Hez a p_ssy!!!!!

Stay off the plane, stay off TV, sit yore bony butt down and fix what needz fixin!!!!
If all ya can do is run US in the ground and give away our country........well that
borders on treason to me. YOU have forsaken the Oath you have taken!!!!!!
If you want to write checks to those who will take the money an use it to plot against US..............

Treating those terrorist, yes TERRORIST like they have just as many rights as the citizens here in the US..........you aint worth spit.
Put a bullet in their head, bury them all in a hole, be done with it.
Anything other than putting them in a 6'x8' room for the rest of their life, IS Treason!!

Don't care what ya think otherwise that's Justice.

Monday, December 21, 2009

HEY!!!!, OBAMA!!!!! & ya other idgitz....

Heerz a couple of articles at Brown Field yall need to look over-



I couldn't have sed it better-er.....
Thank You Mr. Steve and Mz Cyndi.

MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!! if that offends ya....well....get a life.
Happy Hanuka
Peace be unto You and yours.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

HEY...DC !!!!! & other po-le-tish-unz..........

I don't reckon our and your forefathers gave you permission to sell-out, give away or run our country into the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't remember seeing that in the Constitution........

Yall dont want to be remembered as those that started another Civil War........
Or get run out of the country tarred-n-feathered in disgrace.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Oath of Office...

""I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God." "

This is The Oath that ALL Senators, House of Representatives and many Federal Employee's take. The President's is in The Constitution-
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States ."

With all that is going on in DC, it makes you wonder if they have forsaken their Oath.
All their election and re-election campaigns and commercials say that we can TRUST them......hmmm. I often wonder.....??

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

HEY DC !!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>...........

Sometimes I wonder if that bunch in DC just don't realize what's going on in America, or they just DON'T CARE???????
Are they surrounded by a giant bubble that won't let common sense get thru?????
Were they not elected to Protect this Nation and it's citizens?????????
Why wont they hear those that have elected them??????????????
WHAT arrogance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah some of them won't be there this time next year.......but will the damage already be done???????????????????
I believe they should be held liable for any and ALL legislation they pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If they want to pass a Health Care Bill.......well.........they SHOULD BE subject to the same.
ALL gubbermint employees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From "Da Prez" and down to the postman...OH....that aint PC....

TOUGH NOOGEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get a life.

Buncha Idgitz.....................!

Friday, December 11, 2009

IT's OUR money!!!!...

Hey Harry, Nancy, Barney, Chris and the rest of ya!!!!
Yall need to remember that all this money ya want to spend DOES NOT belong to you.
If you want to pass a Health Care Bill...well....yall need to be the first to sign up.

Lead by example.........................

Give up your Cadillac plans, paid by for US and git in line like the rest of US.........

Lead by example............or git the Hell out !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shun yore cushy pensions and the like......LEAD by example.!!

Dont tell US what's best for US when you don't know yoresef........

You want to blow somebody else's money.......git it from yore relatives........!!

If you are not willing to git rite in the middle of something that you want to put on the rest of US
....well.....you aint worth.........spit.

If it's good enough for us..then.Lead by example!!!!!!!!!

QUIT offering concessions in order to git the votes. Yall number around a few hundred,WE on
the other hand a few Million. And people wonder why poli-tihs-unz retire somewhere
other than the state they represent??

..................LEAD by EXAMPLE...................or are ya chikin????

Friday, December 4, 2009

Anudder yar...

Welp anudder yar has come an gone.
If you pay a little attention you can learn sumtin new every day.
Like politikz. Every day I learn how USELESS most of the people in DC are!!

Az I have stated earlier, I have not, repeat, have not, voted a straight ticket since I registered to vote!! Don't intend on it either. Now primaries don't count.
I vote the person and their stand first. NOT the party. Heck I voted for a guy who was running as a communist once. Why?? He was the lesser of 2 evils, not many choices that year. But, he was honest in what he said and more importantly did.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
There won't be a third.

Vote on what is best for you, your family, your neighbors and your country.
Simple aint it??

Yall have a Gud-un, Ol James.

p.s. OH Yeah!! obama aint got a clue does he?? Guess not, when you surround yourself with brown-nosers and idgitz.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

CHECK out this...

Ifin yall git a chance, be shur to chek out Mr Alan's Blog-

He tells it straight up!! No mincing of words, just the facts and Truth.
It's so refreshing to find such a gem......Unabashed & Unafraid!!!

Bravo Mr. Alan,

If yore reading this...heerz a standing ovation, even if it's just me.

)(, )(, )(, )(, )(.