Monday, January 11, 2010

Double down...

Is ther a double standard in DC ????
Yes there is...

The current Majority Leader in the Senate, in his book, stated that then candidate "O"
was not black enuff, (paraphrasing), nor did he have a Negro dialect...?...??////???

Back in '02 Trent Lott had to step down because of pressure from his "Own" party...hmm.
His own people........not the opposition mind ya but his friends and colleagues from the Repubz..

Now reid is a Dem. his party is not going to do anything, why, because right or wrong they dont want to lose the position in the senate and being they are Demz they can do what they want.
The Dem motto should be: "Screw U, or we'll Screw U!!!"

They stick together thru thick an thin, right or wrong. Just look at the politicians in the dem party that are under investigation or have gotten away with things that you an I would be mandated to incarceration promptly!!!

As long as ya are a worries. Don't pay taxes...take bribes...break the law at your leisure....buncha idgitz...

Yep, double standard..

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