Friday, January 29, 2010

Cold and Flu remedy...

Here's how to prevent and help with the colds an flu ya might git.
might as well as put my 2 cents in...

1- tell people that are sick to stay away from ya!!! Stay HOME!!!!

2- ifin ya do git it follow these heer directionz-

a). Six shot glasses, two fingerz of Tequila or a good Bourbon Whiskey.
DONT waste good Scotch on a cold or flu!!!!!

b). git the salt box outta da cabinet, or the shaker off da table.

c). 8 oz. orange juice, or pineapple, grape, tropical punch, dont really matter.

This remedy should be done rite before ya go to bed...
EVERY 10 minutes drink the contents of a glass in one swallow.
this should take 1 hour at most.

Right before you retire to the bed. take the salt and shake onto the stoop, steps, sidewalk just
outside the front or back door. The one that's usually iced over in the morning.

Give the juice to the gran-kidz or the wifey.

If need be take a tablespoon of honey or some GOOD Sorghum syrup before with a squirt of Lemon juice in it ......

Repeat as necessary.....

Nope I aint any medical professional, but hey. most anybody can repeat waht they read in a book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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