Friday, April 10, 2009

What's wrong with this picture...

The Prez. Mr. "O" has surrounded himself with.....well......idiots.
It's like the only thing that matters in D.C. is what is beneficial to them. Special interest such as lobbyist for certain minority groups want the rest of America to adhere to their guidelines.
The USDA is getting flack from animal rights groups.
The EPA wants to tax farmers for the farts that their livestock emit. Not to mention the gas that may be released into the atmosphere from holding ponds. Also dust that livestock and machinery may stir up!! Buncha id-gitz!!!

Now a scientific advisor wants to propel pollution particles into the atmosphere to blanket the planet to keep the sun from melting Ar tic Ice caps......hmm....??? He may be a certified genius but he's an idiot. The particles will erode the Ozone layer thus melting the planet!!!! Not to mention the planet will look like Los Angeles did in the 60's-70's. Remember the brown air they had...full of sulphur??? Buncha Id-gitz!!!!!

If the Prez keeps surrounding himself with this kind of idiotic rhetoric can we expect any less from possible agendas, acts bills and laws??? God have mercy on US!!!!
The man can't even talk without a teleprompter!!! Somebody has got to be pulling the strings!??! But WHO??? Buncha Id-Gitz.....that's who.

America needs to wake up!! We can't afford to spend money that unborn generations that have not been born yet can repay.
All the Senators and Representative that voted for this Economic Stimulus Budget should be replaced!!! Not by someone of the opposing party, but rather by someone that has a the least a bit of common sense!!!

Then there's the matter of those who want to do us harm!! NO don't put them in a cell. But, rather bring them to our shores and give them the same rights and privilege's that we have...BS!!!!!! The best way to handle them is with swift justice!!!! Like the Marine saying goes-
"Kill em all, let God sort em out!"
I have no respect for anyone that tries to do my family, friends or countrymen harm. Nor do I have any respect for those who will facilitate their their ability to further their purpose. "O" made my list before he got swore in. They ARE Terririst, plain and simple. Not misunderstood. I don't git around like I used to, but try to harm my family and you'll think 10 men jumped you.

Generations before us sacrificed a lot to give us what we have today. We SHOULD NOT let those who are supposed to be our leaders give it to those who want to do us harm or cause us distress.

WAKE UP Yall!!!!!

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