Monday, April 27, 2009

Hey Luke...

I don't agree with you bout the slightly personal aspects and such. I believe that your profession, education, age and geographical information have a GREAT deal to do with your view of subject matter.
Me, I'm as simple as dirt, nothing fancy. I am impressed with your use of words that I ritely cant pronounce, much less have a clue as to their meaning.
I'm guessing you have had the advantage of some good education, or at least a good dictionary and thesaurus.
Your views on the matter tend to make me think that the "main-stream" media is a valued source of information. Sadly, to find the truth you have to dig for it.
I have nothing but the Highest regard for those in Agriculture production. Whether they are mom & pop operations, or companies farming thousands of acres of any one particular crop or fiber or livestock.
My papaw told me to not be ashamed of what you do in life, nor be afraid to tell people what you make. If you are ashamed of it then it's a sore that won't heal.

Now I will grant you there ARE those who will beguile the public in their production. I also don't agree with a few of the practises out there. I believe that if the Good Lord made you with it then it belongs there.
I also agree with and am PROUD of our Military. If weatherboarding a terrorist will have the possibility of saving the lives and property of our breathern....well...give em a drink..
I am a GREAT supporter of this Nation, Military, Religion, Family and other rights that humans deserve. HOWEVER, if in the name of your religion, or lifestyle you deem it necessary to take lives or do harm.....don't let me catch you out of your bunker....nuff said.

The humane society, peta and other groups like the rainbow coalition, acorn, sclu and others are worthless to me. No I don't capitalize choice to not recognize terrorist. YES terrorist. These groups main adjective is to have their own particular philosophy forced upon others. They have teams of people that do nothing more than scan the media, Internet and other outlets for possible litigation in which they can win. Have you ever seen them take up a cause they could not possibly win?? Rarely. I do support human liberty and the rights of others, but don't try to force it upon me....I push back. The biggest portion of their budgets are derived from lawsuits and contributors that have seen only one side of a matter. A coin has 2 sides right??, not three or four like they project. Yes they put on a grand show, but it's mostly smoke and mirrors. They have the noblest of intentions, good intentions are like having two butt holes. Should and animal have more rights than me?? Don't think God had that in mind when he put us over them. Yes we should treat them as humanely as possible, but not as humans.

Yes production Agriculture is in it for the money......duh!! However you don't see them taking the government to court over every little thing that makes some wimpy-urban dwelling- SUV driving-treehuggin-bunny lovin-radical-ignorant to say the least cause the dust got their designer clothes dirty-pencil necked nut.
NO SIR, they just want to make a living doing what their family has been doing, in some cases since this Nation was founded. They DON'T need a suit and tie to tell them how to do their job!! I believe if someone you never heard of and not familiar with your chosen vocation came in and told you how to do your would be pissed to say the least.
Hence the dilemma of America's Farmers and producers.

No Mr. Luke I don't know you. We may not have a chance to meet. We may not share the same view on policy matters and such............but, I do know your type.

as always these are MY personal opinions, thoughts and beliefs. I blame NO one for their conclusions. Just remember this.........
I thought I was wrong once. Turns out I was just mistaken.

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