Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Had enuff yet??......

I dont know about yall, but, I have had my bate of it!!!!!!!

Da Prez slapping US in the face again...
First his Homeland Security Chief saying,
All is well.!! The system worked...........BS

Then HIM saying the public is overreacting, see the video on this link-

Also read Mr. Krauthammer's comments, I like the first lines...(same link^)
KRAUTHAMMER:" Flaccid words, meaningless words. He talks about aspirations. He talks about rights. He talks about justice in the statement he made.
This isn't about justice. It isn't about a low minimum wage. This isn't about an absence of a public option in health care. This is about freedom. This is a revolution in the streets. Revolutions happen quickly."

UNLESS, I DESERVE a slap, I git riled.....
WE need to show da gubber-mint how riled WE are!!!!!
Throw em out and repeal anything they have screwed up, thats a lot!!!!!!!!
Do it right, not sideways or backwards..
Or , let someone that can. Cause it aint that bunch in DC..

......... whadda ya think??

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