Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Punks, Thugs, Politics & Football....

I wonder when we are going to "have our bate" of the going onz in poli-tikz an football...
Not related you say??? Well...wake up...or at least geta job & life.

Poli-tish-unz on all levels are holding us up. Just like a common robber.
Ditzy Harry and Nose-Job Nancy are spending money that isnt theirs like some white-trash, backwoodz winning the lottery and going to Walz-Martz.
Hell what do they care..it aint their money, they aint gotta pay it back. Punkz an thugs.....

I used to like watch football. High school, college, Pro, even Canadian and independent leagues.
Then these "bad-boy" punks and thugs started making the scene, and the headlines. I dont watch pro anymore. aint been to a HS game in years. college is getting bad. You have these pro-wannabes taking cheap shots, beating their chest when they make a tackle or score like it was all them...hmmm. There are 10 other players on that field with them. Not 11:1, but 11:11.
Seems like there aint any sport left in the game......just filling up with punkz an thugz...like poli-tikz.....

Politikz an Football....bout the same game jes different rules.

Hey obama...when are ya gonna git out of campaign mode and blaming everybody an start being President??????
Community Organizer fits the bill....ya dont wanna do nuttin...jes git somebody else to do the work an take the credit...
GIT yore boney butt off the plane, quit travelin an git to work!!!!!! If ya cant do the job...let somebody in there that wants to keep America the Greatest Country in the world!!!
If you want what they have in europe...then move there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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