Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Great o...

Funny, how many of the learned & supposedly wisest in DC think...
They claim that you need a degree from Harvard, Yale, Brown or some other Ivy League uppity snobby school to truly understand how America should be run...
These people have all the book learnin possible...but not a lick of sense.
They know politics inside and't take much to be a brown-nose.
They know economics...but can't balance a budget.
They know Military Strategy...yet haven't served..
They know what's best for the Common Man..yet haven't even eaten a meal with them,
nor been to their house, met their kin, helped around the house, offered to pay one of
their bills, washed their clothes, changed their kids diaper, brought them a
bowl of soup when they were sick, took them to the doctor....

Yet they know what's best for America.
It's like having a 4x4 truck, lifted, with all the goodies that can be installed
for off-roading and never getting it off a paved road.

But, they know best....

Give me a man or woman with..
calluses on their hands,
sweat on their brow,
dirt on their clothes,
knows not to spend more than you have,
and, Common Sense....

They are worth more than all the education you can buy.

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