Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I've been called a lot of names...

I have been called a lot of names, in my 50+ years here on Earth..
Some of them in jest, which I countered with an equal amount of enthusiasm,
sarcasm and sometime off the handle.
Rednek,Redneck,Southern Rednek
Country-Boy, Country Man,
Cousin-Lover, (well yeah but not an some sense's of the word.),kissin cousin (naw),
brother, brudder,
Trailer Trash, White Trash, (just take out the trash),
Friend,Foe, Someone you don't want to cross,
Dummy, dum-butt, dum a$$,
and other typical Southern References that may come to mind.

I have been cussed, blessed, cursed at and to.
A lot of these I won't mention.
Been Called Bible Thumper, Bible Belt Dweller, ignorant of the Bible, Atheist as well. Never did figure that one out...

Slow, Lazy, Fat, Fast, in a hurry or not.
One way thinker, Open-minded, Closed-minded,
Democrat, Republican, BUT NOT A Liberal.
Progressive, Recessive, Re-constructive, De-constructive.
Above average, and the other end of the spectrum.

I've waved many a Flag,...
The American my Favorite,
States of AL, TX,KY, to name a few...
Jolly Roger,
Don' Tread on ME and others...

But a thought struck me today...
Many Extremest want to destroy me for being an Infidel....

I always thought that was someone who was hell-bent on destroying someones
way of life....Or someone totally ignorant of the ways of others.
because of Race, Religion, Sex, Nationality, and so on...
That sounds like a Racists...not an Infidel.
Funny...I am an infidel...because I wont accept someone Else's way of doing
things or their way of life. Like their laws, and customs...

Well I respect someones way of life, as long as, it does NOT
infringe on a persons liberty, and life. No not a liberal way of thinking,
just right from wrong. Common sense dictates that.
These idgitz want to destroy me because I am an Infidel???
...well sell it somewhere else. That dog don't hunt here.
I thought Christians were Gentiles??
In that case, them Extremest Muslims will have to look for Infidels somewhere
else other than around here.
Maybe they should look in their own yards.

They want to destroy me because I don't believe in Allah???
Well the Good Lord Above is known by many names in all dialects and Nations.
Don't Believe......buncha idgitz....wrong.
Heck yall are the ones who don't respect mankind.

Call me a Christian, Gentile, American, Rednek, Bubba or what you want.
But Not infidel.
Yeah, I have been called a LOT of names, and probably be called a lot more
down the road...

BUT.......I Have NOT been called a Racisist or an Infidel!!

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