Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas Yall...

Merry Christmas,
Some people get offended when told that. Politically incorrect???

I say Happy Hanuka to those of the Jewish decent. Nothing wrong with wishing someone a Merry Christmas. Many Jewish folks I have met have wished me aMerry Christmas. Some even have a tree in their living room.

What is wrong is that a handful of liberal-brain dead-whiny-lack of common sense-enviro-communist want things their way. Now, if the shoe was on the other foot, they would be having Nativity Scenes in their front yards.
These people need to realize a few things. Were it not for Christian values taught about Christmas, many of their bleeding heart charities would not exist. Here in America they couldn't express their opinions without persecution from government. Imprisonment and possibly death.
In the middle east people are hung, beheaded, stoned, mutilated, imprisoned and more, just for disagreeing.

So, ALL you liberal-tree huggin-bunny lovin-enviroMENTAL conscience-socialist wanting-spread the wealth-hope & change idgitz...........


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