Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Carbon Credits, cap-&-trade, GHG, global warming as a whole.

I am NOT a fan of the aforementioned. I do believe we affect our environment in some way or fashion. We ALL should leave the place better than we found it. Don't make a mess, if you do clean it up.

Congress has decided that we need to pay for our ability to drive, turn on the lights, mow the grass and other routine chores and the like. Wonder why we pay taxes?? Now we gotta pay a usage tax..?!?!
here's the zinger...We get to pay some corporation or company for this "taxable privilege"...??!
The company then pays a Farmer a fee or as they put it "carbon offsets".
Which means that the Farmer is planting a crop that produces oxygen. This O2 (oxygen) is figured by in tons, tonnes or some other equivalent. The amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide) is figured in a similar manner and equal amount. The amount of O2 needed to offset the CO2 is figured and then a price per unit is set.
Example- You buy a new car. You pay the price which has shipping and handling and other expenses figured into the sticker price. As the paperwork is figured you pay federal, state, county, local and other taxes for the purchase, which may seem like a third of the total price. Now you have to figure what the "footprint" given off by the engine, the gasses produced by the materials decomposing and other things are. This figure is then equal to a certain amount of CO2. Now you have to purchase "credits" in order to offset" your usage of this vehicle. Even with the newer Hybrid and electric vehicles there is going to be the "credits" to be determined.
You find a company that can sell you the "credits". They have some Farmers in the upper mid=West that have a expansive amount of credits for sale. They charge you say $20.00 per "credit. You need to purchase 40-60 "credits per year to keep your conscience clear.
Other than fuel, mateience, insurance and other things now you have an added expense. What the "company doesn't tell you is that $2.00 of every bought "credit" goes to these Farmers. The "company has a gross profit of $18.00. Middleman.
The governments will get a cut of course........hmm.............

If you want ma to put faith and believe in such a system.....well.....do this one thing and I will concede the point...............................

Catch a fart and paint it green in front of me.

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