Monday, May 18, 2009

pelosi needs to go...

Remember the saying.."If you tell the truth you don't have to repeat yourself"???
Well maybe mz. pelosi the Speaker of the House should heed this advice. She, Joe O'Biden, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and "Thu Prez" should keep quiet. Mz pelosi stated that the CIA lied or mislead The Congress. She is NOT the Congress. She is part of it, not it in entirety. Bad thing about it is she can't seem to remember what she said. At the press conference she couldn't remember what she said just a few minutes before. If this is the way she wants to do her job......well.......she needs to go.

Joe, Barney, Harry and the rest of them need to go also. Putting our grand children's grandchildren in debt is NO solution to the current economic debacle. Don't bail em out...let em fail and get bought out by another company.

I don't like to call people fools....but in this case they are perty close.

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