I had a thought today..My mind has a tendency to ramble between several thoughts at once. I guess it would be mental multi-tasking...sorta. Others would probably consider it short attention span or maybe add,adhd or something along those lines.....anyway..
I got to thinking about the current goings on in DC and around the Nation. "Da Prez", Secretaries of ______,(fill in the blank), czars, heads of departments, (some of which we have never heard of), assistants, advisors and so on....
Many of these experts, department heads and afore mentioned seem to be leading the country into complete ruin. That is if they don't bankrupt US first!!
Some of them were born in the sixties, others were shortly after and some of them before that.
I went thru the sixties. Saw changes in people, politics, morals, technology, music, film, lifestyles, sports and all sorts of everyday life just to name a few. You folks that remember the sixties have some good and bad memories just like me.
A few things that really sticks with me today were the popularity of drugs, sex and revolutionary thoughts of many. Getting high, going on a trip and not even moving.
Marijuana, pot, weed, LSD, Cocaine, Heroin and ALL kinds of substances were used for recreation.. Ofttimes with bad results.
These were used to alter persons state of consciousness & thinking. Somehow they did this to awaken their mindset...never figured that out..
Experiments in sex were common place. Living together were growing in popularity.
Many people starting gathered together to form small communities or "Communes".
Short for Communist.
They basically had a mindset that all things belonged to the whole rather than the individual. Money, food, clothing, men, women all things were shared. Low morals and drug use were rampant in these communes.
Politics were not exempt from these communes. Many taking the communist and Socialist platforms to local and National levels. Back then many brushed this off as a fad, as fads were running perty rampant then.
BUT, these fads were beginning to take hold. Like weeds in a garden.
A lot of ideas were started then, seeds planted, plans put into motion. The roots of the weeds were taking hold.
Yeah I wonder a lot....
Anyway...these supposed-ed leaders we have now seem to be the result of those weeds taking hold...
I don't think I have witnessed such wet-behind-the ears ignorance ever!!!!
Financial decisions that boggle the mind!! If you don't have the money to pay for something then you don't spend it in the hopes that a future generation will pick up the tab..
The government was NOT set up to provide for US.
The gubbermint has NO, I repeat NO business in business!!!!!!!!!!
NO business in an individuals rights, liberties, be it financial, health or otherwise!!!
I believe the government was established to be like a guardian for the People.
NOT the caretaker, Big Brother, Mother, Father, thinker, bank, and such.
Laws were established to help protect US from the evasion and provoking from outside sources.
We have been invaded not from without but rather within!!!!
In summation, moral of the story---------.....
We should see whether or not a person was influenced from the sixties or is the result of it..........
......................Don't do drugs..........
Current legislators are proof of the results...