Wednesday, July 22, 2009

..been thinkin...

..I been thinkin a bit on different things....the economy, congress, possible legislation and those who create it. I have to wonder if there is there a bit of common sense in DC??
Take the Climate bill that the House passed. Like the Stimulus and budget bills that were just slung thru there. No real time to read or understand them. They got a speed-reader to read one of them just for spite.....hmm....not funny.
If that's the beat that pelosi and her cohorts can's time for a change.
That bunch of idgitz has run this country into the ground, economically, physically and otherwise.
WE need people in DC who take this stuff seriously. Not a bunch of self-centered, publicity seeking whores, yes publicity WHORES, who change their minds and morals because of what may be popular at the time. Take pelosi. the only time she can be at the gavel is when there are a mess of photographers present. She AINT gonna do nuttin without gettin her butt ugly mug on the front page. The same goes for her other peons.
The only agenda they have is what the popular upper crust want. They care about the public as much as a case of the crabs. All they want is the rich popular cases, not what is right for America. Very counterproductive.

There should NOT be any democrats, republicans, independents or any other political party in DC. Also there should not be any white, black, red, yellow, green purple or any color, Only Americans.
Seeking what is good for the country, not the popular or political or especially the foreign. Anything short of that and the job is not getting done.

Mayhaps if they could be held financially responsible for 20 or so years, kinda like a guarantee, things might get done...................hmm.....

Whadda Ya think??................